Saratoga Springs - Liberty Center


Library services:

New and popular books are available for check out during ITT/Liberty operating hours.

Video games:

Tickets & Travel/Liberty operating hours. In order to continue the video game playing fun at home, patrons may sign the game out for up to a week, from the Tickets & Travel/Liberty office.

Computer café:

Free use of high-speed internet and printing services available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Outdoor equipment:

Tennis Racquets, tennis balls, and basketballs are available for use on NSA Saratoga Springs’ courts (1 tennis court & 1 basketball court).

Games for indoor leisure:

Ping Pong table, Pool table, darts, and board games are all available for patron use during normal operating hours.

Large Screen TV:

Interested in kicking back and relaxing? Hang out on the comfy couch or love seats and watch your favorite show or channel.

Karaoke & DJ Equipment: 

Karaoke Machines, Hercules DJ Equipment, Movo PodPack, and Recording Equipement are all available for Liberty Patrons.

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